▲Chung Hsiang Foods regularly donates to Andrews Food Bank. Provided by Chung Hsiang Foods
Source:Apple Daily
Chung Hsiang Foods Active Participation in Charitable Activities

▲Chung Hsiang Foods regularly donates to Andrews Food Bank. Provided by Chung Hsiang Foods
Chung Hsiang Foods is the domestic market share leader in soda crackers and has been founded in the Ba’de District of Taoyuan City for 50 years. When second generation successor Li Chao-Chih became President 6 years ago, he proactively participated in charitable events; Chung Hsiang’s footprints can be seen in many marathons, during Christmas, and at many New Year Eve events. The new 400-ping site of Taoyuan’s Adolescents’ Home previously housed an old Chung Hsiang factory but it was utilized as an Adolescents’ Home nearly free of charge. Chung Hsiang has also been a long-term donator to Andrews Food Bank and Joseph Granary; during the weekends, employees take initiative and donate supplies to disadvantaged families in the remote areas of Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli. They actively give back to society.
Participating in Marathons in the Hopes of Casting a Brick to Find Jade

▲Sponsorship and participation in World Earth Day marathon event. Provided by Chung Hsiang Foods
Chung Hsiang Foods Founder Li Chin-Shuei was once elected as Mayor of Bade before the area was reformed. He has maintained a low profile while participating in past charitable activities. Li Chao-Chih states that Chung Hsiang is a classic brand that has received consumer support over long periods but the company is actively introducing more people to CH Foods. For instance, last year’s National Geographic World Earth Day 50th Anniversary Marathon coincided with the 50th anniversary of Chung Hsiang. As such, they participated in the event in the hopes of casting a brick to find jade.
Rediscovering their Original Intensions when Encountering Problems – Delivery Asian Snacks to Remote Areas

▲4 Senior executives from Chung Hsiang Foods visit remote areas to delivery supplies. Provided by Chung Hsiang Foods

▲Chung Hsiang Foods donates 2 4-wheel drive vehicles to Joseph Granary. Provided by Chung Hsiang Foods
Li Chao-Chih states that some charity events did not go smoothly. For instance, their family elders were originally opposed to donating the old factory for use as an Adolescents’ Home. However, whenever a problem is encountered, they revisit their original intention of simply providing support without ulterior motives and have faith in good results. The Fu Wan Chocolate incident that occurred at the end of last year has kept Li Chih-Chao vigilant as he mentions that they had originally intended to partner with Fu Wan on specific products. However, the project was scrapped as Chung Hsian could not accept their attitude. When the incident was reported, major brands that partnered with Fu Wan recalled their products. While it is something that allowed Chung Hsiang to breathe a sigh of relief, it was also a reminder to investigate their partners as a single misstep could spell disaster for the entire brand.
Step-by-Step Accumulation of Technology – Building Fame with Asian Candies

▲The current site of Taoyuan Adolescents’ Home was once Chung Hsiang’s old factory. Photograph by Wu Yung-Ping
Chung Hsiang boasts annual revenue of approximately NT$500 million. More than 50 years ago, the founder began as an apprentice and learned bit by bit from an old Shanghainese master. After starting his own business delivering products from his bicycle, he entered stores in the era of Welfare Shops for Military Dependents. Back then, a pack of soda crackers cost NT$7; it wasn’t until they changed soda crackers to 2 small packages for sale in private shops before they established a reputation. Today, their products are sold domestically and abroad in countries such as the U.S., Japan, Korea, and China. (Breaking News Center Wu Yung-Ping/Reporting from Taoyuan)